Box Philippe de Castaigne (Fine Fins Bois / V.S.O.P. Réserve Spéciale / Réserve Ancienne / Extra Vieux)
Story: Commerçants dans le chocolat, nous vendions quelques spiritueux en boutique. Nous avons acquis ce coffret dans ce cadre.
Text on label: Voir sur les photos plus bas.
Location: France
Bottle size: 35cl
Seal: No, there is no seal at all
Production year: Le coffret a été acheté en 2002
With box: Yes
Certificate: Yes
How stored: In a dry place, Lying on its side
LOT - 20373
This product is from a private seller. Please be aware that cabinet7 merely provides a platform to buy and sell. When sold, the seller will pack the bottle themselves and send it to the buyer. We do our best to make this process as smooth as possible, however there may be some delay.
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Your experts
Max von Olfers
Max von Olfers is the founder of cabinet7, and has 10 years of experience with collector item appraisals. The oldest Cognac Max has consumed is from 1855.
Malte Lukowski
Malte Lukowski runs the operations & collector item departments at cabinet7, and has 4 years of experience with collector item appraisals. The oldest Cognac Malte has consumed is from 1920.